By James Barton
Authorities in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have approved the creation of a new regulator known as ARPTIC.
The Regulatory Authority for Posts, Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies (Autorite de Regulation des Postes, des Telecommunications et des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication) will take over the role of current regulator ARPTC (Autorite de Regulation de la Poste et des Telecommunications), which has supervised the telecoms sector since 2002.
According to Augustin Kibassa, Minister of Posts, Telecommunications and New Technologies of Information and of Communication, the government was granted the power to create the new regulator via Law No. 20/017, introduced on 25th November 2020.
Local tech outlet Numerico noted that on 17th February, the government implemented a draft proposal on the creation of a new regulator.