Ericsson Again Selected For Inclusion In The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
By Oystein Bergmann, Correspondent Scandinavia
Ericsson is one of the top-ranked companies within its industry group in the highly respected evaluation of sustainability-driven, publicly listed companies.
The results of the annual Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) were announced on November 13, 2020 and showed Ericsson as one of the top-ranked companies within its industry group: technology, hardware and equipment. The DJSI evaluation also showed Ericsson with continued strong performance in the environmental dimension.
Launched in 1999, the DJSI was one of the first global indices to track the largest and leading sustainability-driven, publicly listed companies. The DJSI represents the top 10 per cent of the largest 2,500 companies in the S&P Global Broad Market Index based on long-term economic and ESG factors.
Vice President, Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility Heather Johnson commented: “Ericsson is delighted to once again be selected for inclusion in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices. We are again ranked as one of the most sustainable companies in our industry which is proof that our long-term commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility is having real impact and is being recognized by our stakeholders. Our sustainability journey continues, and we look forward to continuing strong collaborations with our business partners, customers and of course our fantastic employees, all of which are critical for our success.”
In September 2020, Ericsson was ranked #12 on The Wall Street Journal’s list of the 100 Most Sustainably Managed Companies in the World. That ranking was based on an assessment of more than 5,500 publicly traded businesses in areas such as business models and innovation, external social and product-related factors, employee and workplace aspects, and the environment